jeferonix: Everyone with pidgeons
jeferonix: Everyone with pidgeons
jeferonix: Pidgeons lookin' around
jeferonix: Everyone with pidgeons
jeferonix: Everyone with pidgeons
jeferonix: Everyone with pidgeons
jeferonix: Pidegon runway
jeferonix: Pidgeon flurry
jeferonix: Peter with another pidgeon
jeferonix: Peter holding a pidgeon
jeferonix: Peter holding a pidgeon
jeferonix: Peter with a pidgeon
jeferonix: Jeff with a pidgeon, not caring
jeferonix: Jeff kissing a dirty pidgeon
jeferonix: Jeff happy with a pidgeon
jeferonix: Jeff holding a pidgeon
jeferonix: Jeff holding a pidgeon
jeferonix: Pidgeons flying around Jeff
jeferonix: Plaza de Armas, Arequipa