Jeff Sullivan ( Orion in the Spotlight Friday Morning
Jeff Sullivan ( Space Shuttle Atlantis, Kennedy Space Center
Jeff Sullivan ( Beautiful morning for a NASA launch, but only 25 minutes left in today's launch window to resume countdown at T minus 3 minutes. #Orion #NASAsocial
Jeff Sullivan ( NASA's Orion is scheduled to launch in less than 4 hours, making the farthest flight from earth of any human flight craft in 52 years. Continuous countdown and mission coverage will begin at 4:30 a.m. EST. NASA TV will begin coverage of the mission at the
Jeff Sullivan ( #Orion was stacked on the #DeltaIV heavy rocket in the Vehicle Assembly Building at #NASA's Kennedy Space Center. #NASAsocial
Jeff Sullivan ( To Infinity and Beyond! Well, not quite...
Jeff Sullivan ( Ignition! NASA Launch July 2, 2014
Jeff Sullivan ( NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 Satellite Launch
Jeff Sullivan ( NASA OCO-2 Satellite Passes Los Olivos
Jeff Sullivan ( NASA's OCO-2 satellite launch tonight had to be rescheduled 24 hours due to a cooling system issue. "@IamOCO2: So disappointed that we didn't go. Same time same place tomorrow folks! _#OCO2"_#NASASocial# 
Jeff Sullivan ( Space Shuttle Columbia Mission STS-4, April 1982