jeffreyng photography: Albion的美勞作品。
jeffreyng photography: Sister n brother
jeffreyng photography: 大眼妹妹
jeffreyng photography: 出陽光了!
jeffreyng photography: 家有羅漢松 一世唔會窮?!^ ^
jeffreyng photography: Monster Beat studio
jeffreyng photography: Albion話要著件曼城球衣慶祝第一次奪英超冠軍喎!順帶多謝EWing表哥送這件球衣給他啊!^ ^
jeffreyng photography: 地獄雪山
jeffreyng photography: Albion至愛
jeffreyng photography: Sony PS1 退役
jeffreyng photography: 南華對公民
jeffreyng photography: FujiFilm X-Pro 1 with 35/1.4
jeffreyng photography: Polaroid 寶麗萊 幸幸福福
jeffreyng photography: Lunch with Loree
jeffreyng photography: Good Weather
jeffreyng photography: 大排筵席
jeffreyng photography: Happy lunch with Fran & Gwen
jeffreyng photography: 雲泉荷花
jeffreyng photography: 譚校長今次做足球隊隊長
jeffreyng photography: 馬國明深受少女歡迎。。。
jeffreyng photography: Loree長大了學人打耳窿穿耳環^^
jeffreyng photography: 白頭到老@Coca Cola
jeffreyng photography: 初試沾麵
jeffreyng photography: 巧遇方大同
jeffreyng photography: 轉會Samsung Galaxy SIII