Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Pair of Northern Shovelers in Flight
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Snowy Egret Flying over Mallards-114037.jpg
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Watchful Snowy Egret
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Marsh Sandpiper in flight -113686.jpg
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Marsh Sandpiper in flight
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Looking Up at a White Pelican in Flight
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): 4 of Kind! Northen Shovlers in flight
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Egret taking Flight
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Seagull ready for touch down
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Low Tide Mud Flats-113733
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Long-Billed Curlews Landing
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Black-necked Stilt
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Marsh Sandpiper Preening-113593