jeffpearce: IMG_3808
jeffpearce: IMG_3809
jeffpearce: IMG_3812
jeffpearce: IMG_3814
jeffpearce: Statue of Liberty
jeffpearce: July 4th 1776!
jeffpearce: Statue of Liberty
jeffpearce: IMG_3841
jeffpearce: IMG_3822
jeffpearce: IMG_3849
jeffpearce: IMG_3858
jeffpearce: IMG_3859
jeffpearce: IMG_3860
jeffpearce: IMG_3861
jeffpearce: Norwegian Dawn
jeffpearce: IMG_3868
jeffpearce: The main building on Ellis Island
jeffpearce: Eagle
jeffpearce: IMG_3871
jeffpearce: The Registry Room
jeffpearce: IMG_3873
jeffpearce: Registry Room
jeffpearce: IMG_3877
jeffpearce: The Registry Room at Ellis Island
jeffpearce: Hearing Room
jeffpearce: Hearing room
jeffpearce: IMG_3884
jeffpearce: Learn English
jeffpearce: IMG_3886
jeffpearce: IMG_3887