Jeff Milner: zombie kiss
Jeff Milner: Dude, I've got this bad kink in my neck
Jeff Milner: GUAAAAAAAAH! Must Eat BRAINS!
Jeff Milner: Does anyone have a mint? This guy's breath... WOAH!
Jeff Milner: Zombie Walk
Jeff Milner: Why did the zombie go to the hospital?
Jeff Milner: How do you know when a zombie is tired?
Jeff Milner: Why did the zombie cross the road?
Jeff Milner: Heart Burn
Jeff Milner: Zombie Photoshoot
Jeff Milner: Do Zombies eat fries with their fingers?
Jeff Milner: Who is this Joker? He doesn't even look like a zombie
Jeff Milner: The only good zombie, is a dead zombie.
Jeff Milner: What did the zombie's friend say when he introduced him to his girlfriend?
Jeff Milner: He's looking for change, not brains.
Jeff Milner: What did the zombie get a medal for?
Jeff Milner: What do little zombies play?
Jeff Milner: zombie walk ad