Jeff Milner: Relieved that it's Over
Jeff Milner: Me and Little Eric
Jeff Milner: Grandparents
Jeff Milner: Last Chance to Be the Baby
Jeff Milner: Ryker and Grandma
Jeff Milner: Cuddlesome
Jeff Milner: Take a Look at His Beautiful Face
Jeff Milner: Grandma Milner and Eric
Jeff Milner: Jackie
Jeff Milner: In the Crib
Jeff Milner: One Last Foot Photo
Jeff Milner: Baby Feet
Jeff Milner: Mom and Baby Eric
Jeff Milner: Cheeky Pose
Jeff Milner: Eric Robert Hutchinson
Jeff Milner: Yawn... No Teeth Yet
Jeff Milner: Eric and Uncle Jeff
Jeff Milner: Feeling Those Cute Feet
Jeff Milner: Baby Eric with Grandma
Jeff Milner: Mary Ann and Eric
Jeff Milner: Mother and Son
Jeff Milner: Testing Out the Fingers
Jeff Milner: Visitors
Jeff Milner: Sleepy Eric On His First Day
Jeff Milner: Jackie, Eric, and Milner Grandparents
Jeff Milner: Jackie and Eric