Jeff Milner: My Very First Picture
Jeff Milner: Baby Jeff
Jeff Milner: In the Car with Mom
Jeff Milner: Crawling off the blanket
Jeff Milner: Hanging On For Dear Life
Jeff Milner: In the Crib
Jeff Milner: Two Year Old Gary
Jeff Milner: On Vacation
Jeff Milner: Parent's Getaway in Hawaii
Jeff Milner: Hanging out
Jeff Milner: Being Squished
Jeff Milner: Trunk Rider
Jeff Milner: Cutting a Coconut
Jeff Milner: Out for a walk
Jeff Milner: Practicing Walking
Jeff Milner: Mom and Jeff
Jeff Milner: In the Kitchen
Jeff Milner: With Friends
Jeff Milner: Jeff and the Big Dog
Jeff Milner: Can I pet you?
Jeff Milner: Police Point Park
Jeff Milner: Playing in the Basket