#mr. X: the chamber
#mr. X: zero point
#mr. X: evidence of modern man
#mr. X: urbanometric
#mr. X: feminometry
#mr. X: menorca XIV
#mr. X: urban decay
#mr. X: -)(-
#mr. X: la tour eiffel
#mr. X: standing on the beach
#mr. X: the seashore
#mr. X: wild horses
#mr. X: hotel
#mr. X: tranquil
#mr. X: relax
#mr. X: railroad crossing
#mr. X: boat
#mr. X: dance of the virgin pod people.
#mr. X: hommage to a forgotten era: arms were raised as the battle cries rang out. "fury and vengeance" they yelled!
#mr. X: a visit from jonathan livingston seagull.
#mr. X: spirit catcher: the zebra prince visited me last night and shared with me his mighty dark secret.
#mr. X: barren wasteland: is civilization just starting ... or ending?
#mr. X: under the bridge: a possible scene of countless, unspeakable things.
#mr. X: departure area: the approach.
#mr. X: tribute to a simple bridge.
#mr. X: powerlines ...fragment of a recurring dream.
#mr. X: in the park: defiance and love
#mr. X: old wire fence: images of belfast
#mr. X: building 5: a brave promise
#mr. X: suggestive: the one-handed mannequin boy with no hair