greased batt: fight dragon cocpit bubble 1
greased batt: Pose copied from some old Mazinga Z art, my character Fighting Dragon, soon to appear in vinyl form ! Or Jumbo sized in plastic.....
greased batt: fight dragon shoulder jet intake
greased batt: fight dragon third rough
greased batt: warduke
greased batt: scope dog and friends
greased batt: fight dragon text
greased batt: fight dragon full body rough
greased batt: norman_helmet
greased batt: fight dragon helmet revised
greased batt: ox kaiser robot
greased batt: ox kaiser back
greased batt: 10513391_259735657560058_3427933557024263900_n
greased batt: 10498614_262942277239396_4366925068359719300_o
greased batt: 10430861_249203065279984_6439227057675802620_n
greased batt: fight-dragon-worksheet-WEB
greased batt: fight dragon first rough full body
greased batt: fight dragon first head rough
greased batt: fight dragon head rough two up
greased batt: fight-dragon-images-1
greased batt: fight dragon head close up good
greased batt: Working out new toy ideas. Always wanted to do a vinyl robot .
greased batt: Making changes & working out the details to a robot figure I really want to make. Hope it happens
greased batt: Haven't drawn this guy in awhile, Fighting Dragon, a robot I hope to get made in vinyl someday.
greased batt: Fighting Dragon Vs. SMD 5