greased batt: Schloss-Armored-Greasebat _SECRET IMAGE
greased batt: MGB33 066
greased batt: MGB33 064
greased batt: Agip fuel logo
greased batt: MGBb22 001
greased batt: secret image, please do not repost
greased batt: BIG METAL DEATH
greased batt: rough gig poster art
greased batt: SECRET IMAGE
greased batt: First pencil rough
greased batt: Mecha Greasebat
greased batt: MECHA GREASEBAT
greased batt: MECHA GREASEBAT
greased batt: MECHA GREASEBAT
greased batt: MECHA GREASEBAT
greased batt: MECHA GREASEBAT
greased batt: MECHA GREASEBAT
greased batt: MECHA GREASEBAT
greased batt: Mecha Greasebat
greased batt: Mecha Greasebat on the light table.....
greased batt: My little family of toys