TheNixer: Blues DeVille 212 and Highway One Telecaster
TheNixer: Playing in the fall leaves.
TheNixer: Playing in the fall leaves.
TheNixer: It's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it.
TheNixer: Baby playing in the leaves.
TheNixer: 68 degrees and it's February!
TheNixer: 68 degrees and it's February!
TheNixer: One whole Dad doesn't equal one whole Mom.
TheNixer: Will and his water.
TheNixer: Will in his swing.
TheNixer: Tornado in her wheelbarrow.
TheNixer: Little Sweetness.
TheNixer: Lorelai & Mom
TheNixer: Picking up ice.
TheNixer: Will plays in the evening light.
TheNixer: Enjoying a drink.
TheNixer: The artist becomes one with his work.
TheNixer: The finishing touch.
TheNixer: Will and his ABC's
TheNixer: Sprinkle Doughnut
TheNixer: Sprinkle Doughnut
TheNixer: Alyssa and Jenny
TheNixer: Lorelai and the Thrift Store Chair
TheNixer: Mount St. Lorelai
TheNixer: Look toys!
TheNixer: Rock Pile Rock
TheNixer: Laura
TheNixer: Polka dotted Lorelai
TheNixer: Polka dotted Lorelai
TheNixer: Lorelai • Polaroid 600SE • FP-100c