jefferso: dinner with the deacons
jefferso: dinner with the deacons#2
jefferso: Reception
jefferso: Reception#2
jefferso: Reception#3
jefferso: Reception#4
jefferso: Reception#5
jefferso: baptism
jefferso: 135th service
jefferso: 135th service#2
jefferso: 135th service#3
jefferso: 135th service#4
jefferso: 135th service#5
jefferso: 135th service#6
jefferso: 135th service#7
jefferso: 135th service#8
jefferso: 135th service#9
jefferso: Before deacon ordination at Dover home
jefferso: Before deacon ordination at Dover home#2
jefferso: Bryant_Dover ordination
jefferso: Bryant_Dover ordination#2
jefferso: Bryant_Dover ordination#3
jefferso: Bryant_Dover ordination#4
jefferso: ministerial staff #3
jefferso: ministerial staff #2
jefferso: ministerial staff#1
jefferso: baptism3
jefferso: baptism2
jefferso: african heritage day
jefferso: african heritage day6