Jeffrey S. Duneman: The Flight: Over the Midwest
Jeffrey S. Duneman: The Flight: Over the Rockies
Jeffrey S. Duneman: The Flight: Over Utah
Jeffrey S. Duneman: The Flight: Over Utah
Jeffrey S. Duneman: The flight: Over the Sierras
Jeffrey S. Duneman: The Flight: Over the Sierras
Jeffrey S. Duneman: The flight: Over the Sierras
Jeffrey S. Duneman: The Flight: Over the Sierras
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Muir Grove
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Redwood Mountain Sequoia Grove
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Sugar Pine
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Ponderosa Pine
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Sugar Pine
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Mountain (or Western White) Pine
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Lodgepole Pine
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Tokopah Valley Vista
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Tokopah Valley
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Emerald Lake
Jeffrey S. Duneman: GIANT FOREST!
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Giant Forest
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Dusk in Giant Forest
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Dusk in Giant Forest
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Giant Forest
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Goddamn Tree Hugger
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Goddamn Tree Hugger
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Crescent Meadow Chill Time
Jeffrey S. Duneman: The Mighty Kings River
Jeffrey S. Duneman: The Mighty Rio de los Reyes Santos
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Chicago Stump
Jeffrey S. Duneman: Redwood Canyon