jeffconlin: big entrance
jeffconlin: processional
jeffconlin: ushers
jeffconlin: check-in
jeffconlin: check-in
jeffconlin: IMG_4918
jeffconlin: IMG_4919
jeffconlin: IMG_4921
jeffconlin: IMG_4925
jeffconlin: IMG_4926
jeffconlin: ring inspection
jeffconlin: ring inspection
jeffconlin: someone's crown
jeffconlin: another wedding next door
jeffconlin: another wedding next door
jeffconlin: lint removal / bachelorette party
jeffconlin: lint removal / bachelorette party
jeffconlin: harbor view
jeffconlin: waiting
jeffconlin: 10th floor
jeffconlin: IMG_4953
jeffconlin: IMG_4955
jeffconlin: the price of love
jeffconlin: the makings of a wedding
jeffconlin: here comes the bride
jeffconlin: inside-out sweater
jeffconlin: and now we begin
jeffconlin: IMG_4971
jeffconlin: IMG_4972
jeffconlin: IMG_4973