jeffconlin: carvin'
jeffconlin: ... ?
jeffconlin: Le Fournil
jeffconlin: pastoral
jeffconlin: rolling
jeffconlin: crossing into Camano
jeffconlin: driving south on Sunset
jeffconlin: Ed and the front yard
jeffconlin: Noofie!
jeffconlin: the hunt is on
jeffconlin: stately heron
jeffconlin: spread your wings
jeffconlin: the hunt
jeffconlin: well hello
jeffconlin: found one! (sorta)
jeffconlin: sunset begins
jeffconlin: yeah.
jeffconlin: all hail
jeffconlin: golden
jeffconlin: attack mode
jeffconlin: golden
jeffconlin: sunset
jeffconlin: looking south
jeffconlin: heron orbit
jeffconlin: headed home
jeffconlin: waxing
jeffconlin: bunwarmer