jeffconlin: diving in
jeffconlin: aftermath
jeffconlin: Godiva, Sugar, and Pickles
jeffconlin: Hagiwara Tea Garden, Golden Gate Park
jeffconlin: taming the beasts
jeffconlin: Golden Gate Park
jeffconlin: Teresa and Matt at Jerry's house
jeffconlin: Krista, pashtun
jeffconlin: beachy
jeffconlin: picturesque
jeffconlin: Bob...
jeffconlin: Lucky says hello
jeffconlin: Lucky says, "Hello!"
jeffconlin: winding through the hills
jeffconlin: cliffwalk
jeffconlin: north
jeffconlin: south
jeffconlin: rocks near Sutro Baths ruins
jeffconlin: Cliff House, Sutro Baths ruins, SF
jeffconlin: looking back at the Golden Gate Bridge from the Sutro ruins