jeffconlin: picking up the aqueduct
jeffconlin: Anakee's last stand
jeffconlin: aqueduct muck
jeffconlin: muck break
jeffconlin: post-drop
jeffconlin: Jawbone Canyon Store
jeffconlin: Kirk and an approaching hailstorm
jeffconlin: Anakees giving up
jeffconlin: Mojave muck
jeffconlin: Jim and Kirk right a wrong
jeffconlin: climbing the ridge near Last Chance Canyon
jeffconlin: rest break
jeffconlin: warpaint
jeffconlin: approaching storm greys out the southern tip of the Sierras
jeffconlin: group shot on the ridge
jeffconlin: resting 12GSs
jeffconlin: F800GS, Mojave...
jeffconlin: love is in the air
jeffconlin: singletrack to Burro's tunnel
jeffconlin: Last Chance Canyon, El Paso Mountains, Mojave
jeffconlin: Jeff M. enters the tunnel
jeffconlin: inside Burro's tunnel
jeffconlin: inside looking out
jeffconlin: Burro's legacy
jeffconlin: Redrock Randsburg Rd
jeffconlin: Redrock Randsburg Rd
jeffconlin: back onto tarmac
jeffconlin: RawHyde's DORA-compliant sign
jeffconlin: sleeping GSs
jeffconlin: sleeping GSs