jeffconlin: the LA onramp
jeffconlin: Mt. San Jacinto, near Palm Springs
jeffconlin: Mt. San Jacinto and clouds
jeffconlin: San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm and I-10
jeffconlin: San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm and San Jacinto
jeffconlin: welcome to Indio
jeffconlin: I-10 ditch span
jeffconlin: intersection at Mecca
jeffconlin: warmly greeted to the Salton Sea
jeffconlin: vacation wonderland
jeffconlin: paradise by the sea
jeffconlin: receeding coastline, salt and poison, bones, foam...
jeffconlin: corvina cafe
jeffconlin: man-bird banksyish stencil on corvina
jeffconlin: corvina cafe
jeffconlin: plenty to go around
jeffconlin: corvina cafe
jeffconlin: connected
jeffconlin: the escape
jeffconlin: signal system
jeffconlin: desert dual track
jeffconlin: faint buzz
jeffconlin: convoy
jeffconlin: bombay beach
jeffconlin: abandoned building, corner of A and 5th
jeffconlin: compound
jeffconlin: vacation wonderland! (pt. 2)
jeffconlin: niland marina road