jeffconlin: prehistoric
jeffconlin: roaring Stilliguamish
jeffconlin: the narrow path
jeffconlin: green, yellow, brown
jeffconlin: long abandoned railroad bed
jeffconlin: iron, granite, mud, water, leaves
jeffconlin: blaze of sunlight
jeffconlin: there ain't no easy way out
jeffconlin: the deep green of mountain snowmelt
jeffconlin: survival of the fittest
jeffconlin: nature's fury
jeffconlin: the tale of rock and water
jeffconlin: late august snowfield
jeffconlin: gravity
jeffconlin: massive crevasse
jeffconlin: Big Four wide angle
jeffconlin: water droplets' epic journey
jeffconlin: two snowfields
jeffconlin: dual falls
jeffconlin: the face
jeffconlin: snow/ice cave!
jeffconlin: cave network
jeffconlin: looking back at Mt. Dickerman and Stilliguamish Peak
jeffconlin: snow/ice cave arch
jeffconlin: main entrance (square, bw)
jeffconlin: main entrance (wide, color)
jeffconlin: top to bottom
jeffconlin: Big Four in all its massiveness
jeffconlin: far snowfield and falls
jeffconlin: rock and snow detail 1