jeffconlin: sportbikes are no fun
jeffconlin: requisite flag waving
jeffconlin: down the trail with Johnny
jeffconlin: glamour shot
jeffconlin: Johnny small, nature big
jeffconlin: Omar bringing up the rear
jeffconlin: climbing up past 5000', better view
jeffconlin: Johnny kicking up dust
jeffconlin: shameless
jeffconlin: Johnny and Omar
jeffconlin: Obstruction Peak trail
jeffconlin: there i go
jeffconlin: leave nothing but footprints
jeffconlin: bikes stop here. feets continue.
jeffconlin: Omar starts down the Grand Lake trail
jeffconlin: Johnny's self portrait
jeffconlin: the geekout
jeffconlin: Omar gets his minerals
jeffconlin: high altitude summer flora
jeffconlin: reference measurement
jeffconlin: lightning-induced wildfire over the ridge
jeffconlin: approaching rainstorms and wildfires
jeffconlin: late summer in the Olympics
jeffconlin: the trail narrows
jeffconlin: some sort of mangey rodent
jeffconlin: Omar presses forward
jeffconlin: Johnny ponders (read : was winded and stopped for a break)
jeffconlin: evening settles in
jeffconlin: just a little bit further (bw, square)
jeffconlin: just a little bit further (color, wide)