jeffconlin: hummingbird on approach
jeffconlin: hummingbird refueling
jeffconlin: breakfast with Eddie and birds
jeffconlin: family photo
jeffconlin: Vicksburg murals
jeffconlin: honkies with guns
jeffconlin: Rt. 61 juke joint
jeffconlin: Rt. 61 juke joint
jeffconlin: something to do with Jesus?
jeffconlin: preaching the gospel in red and yellow
jeffconlin: onward, horse
jeffconlin: onward, Barney
jeffconlin: onward, mississippi
jeffconlin: Leland Blues Museum
jeffconlin: Leland Blues Museum door
jeffconlin: silvertones, crosscut saws, etc
jeffconlin: Little Milton's section
jeffconlin: who knew the Winters were from there too?
jeffconlin: the true Boogaloo piano
jeffconlin: fantastic portraits
jeffconlin: prints from 1974
jeffconlin: somewhere in the Delta on MS-1
jeffconlin: dude! homey.
jeffconlin: finally pulling into Memphis at 8:30pm