Jeff Clow: The cutoff....
Jeff Clow: TravisTreeClimbHIGHDec2004.jpg
Jeff Clow: TravisHighTreeClimbDec312004.jpg
Jeff Clow: Travis and Pete hiking together.....
Jeff Clow: A closeup for your screensaver, Mother...
Jeff Clow: 72 degrees and balmy in Corinth on New Year's Eve....
Jeff Clow: Travis - quickly becoming a world class tree climber.....
Jeff Clow: New Year's Eve Greetings from Corinth.....
Jeff Clow: Tree Branch Boy
Jeff Clow: TWCNewYearsDayClimb2005.jpg
Jeff Clow: TravForestNearClowCutoffJan1st2005.jpg
Jeff Clow: Happy New Years Day from the Clow Cutoff....
Jeff Clow: TWCClowCutoffSitNewYearsDay2005.jpg
Jeff Clow: TWCClowCutoffClimbJan012005.jpg
Jeff Clow: Those were TALL trees....but no match for Travis....!
Jeff Clow: A closeup of Travis "tree sitting" on New Years Day, 2005
Jeff Clow: TravisForestNewYearsDay2005.jpg
Jeff Clow: One final shot of Travis sending a smile from the forest near the Clow Cutoff....
Jeff Clow: Travis HIGH atop an even TALLER tree on New Year's Day, 2005
Jeff Clow: Travis the TERRIFIC tree climber on New Years Day....
Jeff Clow: Greetings from Travis high in the trees off the Clow Cutoff.....
Jeff Clow: A final smile for you from across the miles...
Jeff Clow: A final photo of your brother....a happy Travis on New Year's Eve....
Jeff Clow: A nice closeup of Travis....
Jeff Clow: This time PETE climbs the tree.....after watching Travis..!
Jeff Clow: Travis and Pete .....
Jeff Clow: Travis climbs and Pete watches....
Jeff Clow: Another shot of Travis literally up a tree....
Jeff Clow: Pete & Travis
Jeff Clow: Travis "swings" in the forest....