jeffc5000: naked bike ride down haight
jeffc5000: scrimp face killahz
jeffc5000: post ice cream sugar rush
jeffc5000: humphry slocomb flavor board
jeffc5000: mmm fetal kitten
jeffc5000: another newer addition to balmy
jeffc5000: nice 'wild things' mural on balmy
jeffc5000: black sabbath and slayer on linda st mural
jeffc5000: that's a grande bass guitar
jeffc5000: mariachi band at cava 22
jeffc5000: foggy summer SF night from twin peaks
jeffc5000: rado and pati
jeffc5000: sunset at AT&T
jeffc5000: strikeout or impromptu klan rally?
jeffc5000: manna from baseball heaven
jeffc5000: half a beer and lisa is wasted.
jeffc5000: that's right, rado - west side.
jeffc5000: mindi and jeff at the giants/a's game
jeffc5000: baseball mother fuckers!
jeffc5000: lisa and mindi
jeffc5000: alex enjoys a snifter of breast milk
jeffc5000: christina and tomasz
jeffc5000: jim and jeff
jeffc5000: beth points out to eric that his new iphone app is lame.
jeffc5000: devin, laurel, and adam
jeffc5000: jeff and lucy
jeffc5000: baby daddy, but not this baby
jeffc5000: eric takes the opportunity to humiliate a child
jeffc5000: jeff, rado, and dara
jeffc5000: mindi, niamh, and pati