jeffc5000: first glimpses of the mounds at knowth
jeffc5000: the black cat protecting the knowth site
jeffc5000: there were shockingly no ewoks inside.
jeffc5000: sun shines over the mounds
jeffc5000: a henge of trees
jeffc5000: knowth petroglyphs
jeffc5000: down the corridor to the main chamber in the knowth mound
jeffc5000: damn, the irish countryside is gorgeous
jeffc5000: an old ruin on a hilltop across the valley
jeffc5000: sheeps!
jeffc5000: freezing our bums off
jeffc5000: an excavated mound
jeffc5000: gives you an idea of how large the big mound actually is
jeffc5000: looking out over the valley
jeffc5000: nice triple spirals
jeffc5000: more spiral petroglyphs
jeffc5000: red sandstone standing stone
jeffc5000: inside a smaller mound
jeffc5000: more knowth petroglyphs
jeffc5000: petroglyphs amidst the quartz rubble
jeffc5000: some very nice samples
jeffc5000: the other protector cat
jeffc5000: tree against blue sky
jeffc5000: extraloo - awesome name
jeffc5000: the entrance to newgrane with a couple henge stones
jeffc5000: newgrange facade
jeffc5000: a smaller mound to the south of newgrange
jeffc5000: quartz and granite facade
jeffc5000: petroglyphs at the newgrange entrance
jeffc5000: entrance to the main chamber