Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Clarion Park snow
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Ten dolla' piece
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: McPherson, Erick, Cheryk, John, and Pat
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: McPherson, Beth, Grandma, and Erick
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: McPherson, Pat, Pam, Mark, and Cheryl
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: McPherson, Alan and Tim
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Birdfeeder in snow
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Alan conversing
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Tom, Courtney, Annie, and Brett
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Scott and Annie
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Tom, Chris, Brett, and Bill
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Mark speaks, Owen listens
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Jeff and Alan heading downstairs
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Pre-dessert scene
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Tony DiPardo tales
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Ellie...the A's new dog
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: The A's & B's