Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Elite Women leader on Manhattan Ave.
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Elite Women pack , and race winner (blue top/orange bottom), on Manhattan Ave.
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Super Fan, Jen, at Turkey's Nest cheering section
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Elite Men leaders pack
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: NeoMale, Matt, at Turkey's Nest cheering section
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: LANCE with his posse on Bedford
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Willow joins August #1
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Willow joins August #2
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Willow joins August #3
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Ian rocking in the streets of Brooklyn
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Crowds in Central Park
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Runners in Central Park
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Runners and crowds in Central Park
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: August with George and Mother
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Willow finds post-race relief
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: August post-race #1
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: August post-race #2
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Willow and August post-race
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Willow and August curbed post-race #1
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Willow and August curbed post-race #2
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Willow and August curbed post-race #2
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Post-race crowds
Jeffrey Gray Brandsted: Ian rocking the streets of Manhattan