jeff_a_goldberg: "Fat Albert" Passing by Hancock Tower
jeff_a_goldberg: Blue Angels' C-130 in Level Flight
jeff_a_goldberg: Blue Angels Delta Formation
jeff_a_goldberg: Peering into the Cockpit of a F/A-18
jeff_a_goldberg: F/A-18 Speeding Down Grand Avenue
jeff_a_goldberg: Wow, That is Close
jeff_a_goldberg: F/A-18 From the Willis (err Sears) Tower to the Hancock Tower
jeff_a_goldberg: F/A-18 Breaking Formation
jeff_a_goldberg: FInal Pass
jeff_a_goldberg: U.S. Air Force F-16
jeff_a_goldberg: U.S. Navy F/A-18F Tandem Seat
jeff_a_goldberg: Classic Chicago Scene (Ferris Wheel and Hancock Tower)
jeff_a_goldberg: Navy Pier Ferris Wheel
jeff_a_goldberg: USCC Biscayne Bay
jeff_a_goldberg: Outside the Bridge of the USCC Biscayne Bay
jeff_a_goldberg: Canadian HMCS Moncton (MM-708) and Summerside (MM-711)
jeff_a_goldberg: Chicago Police Patrol (And Pilot Transport)
jeff_a_goldberg: Chicago Skyline (Navy Pier to North Street Beach)
jeff_a_goldberg: Chicago Lakefront
jeff_a_goldberg: Chicago Harbor Lighthouse
jeff_a_goldberg: Chicago Harbor