Jeff_shep: Abstract
Jeff_shep: Fern
Jeff_shep: Purple on Green
Jeff_shep: Peter
Jeff_shep: New leaves
Jeff_shep: Temple grounds
Jeff_shep: Sand sharks
Jeff_shep: Elvis
Jeff_shep: Reflected Sunset in the glass window
Jeff_shep: Sunset of the Waikato River
Jeff_shep: High key flower
Jeff_shep: Both sides now
Jeff_shep: Marine Parade, Napier, New Zealand
Jeff_shep: Training
Jeff_shep: Intersecting
Jeff_shep: Land and Sea scape
Jeff_shep: Water drops
Jeff_shep: Foggy morning drops
Jeff_shep: Ginny
Jeff_shep: Leaf
Jeff_shep: Heavy Metal
Jeff_shep: Bleak winter's evening
Jeff_shep: Birdsong while looking for dinner
Jeff_shep: Bow and dots
Jeff_shep: New flower
Jeff_shep: A splash of colour
Jeff_shep: Through the partly open window
Jeff_shep: Panorama
Jeff_shep: Megan
Jeff_shep: Starry tree