Jeff_shep: New flowers
Jeff_shep: Believe in miracles 2
Jeff_shep: Goodbye to January 17
Jeff_shep: Dark Side of the Moon
Jeff_shep: Watching
Jeff_shep: Leap?
Jeff_shep: At the cross roads
Jeff_shep: Circle
Jeff_shep: Hobo
Jeff_shep: Reflective
Jeff_shep: L is for leaf
Jeff_shep: Insert
Jeff_shep: Hot sun
Jeff_shep: Highlighting the Green
Jeff_shep: Abandoned
Jeff_shep: Centre Island
Jeff_shep: Contrasting
Jeff_shep: Life's too short to drink bad coffee
Jeff_shep: Gran and Freddie
Jeff_shep: Looking down from the nest
Jeff_shep: High Pink
Jeff_shep: The West Lake, Hangzhou, China
Jeff_shep: Working
Jeff_shep: Back lit
Jeff_shep: Swanning around
Jeff_shep: Jagger Yucca
Jeff_shep: Low key
Jeff_shep: Leave a light on - Belinda Carlisle
Jeff_shep: Winter Moon Silhouette
Jeff_shep: Motion