Twin Ports Rail History:
Building Brass Model Trains by Jeff Lemke — Part 1
Twin Ports Rail History:
The allure of the brass case...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Let's begin our journey together right here...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Adjusting to the culture happens fast...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Different ways of accomplishing similar goals...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Selling on the streets...
Twin Ports Rail History:
It all adds up...
Twin Ports Rail History:
The specialist's desk...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Maybe these parts will suffice...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Assembly is a team effort...
Twin Ports Rail History:
The proof is in the pilot model...
Twin Ports Rail History:
The prototype we remember seeing as a kid...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Painted, weathered, and rare...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Some jobs really are just factory work...
Twin Ports Rail History:
The tools of the trade...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Sunrise on more than a city...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Last minute modifications...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Checking the form and fit...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Let's make sure all of the wheels contact the rail...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Looking a little grimy...
Twin Ports Rail History:
It's how you finish that counts...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Heavy duty pulling power...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Bringing up the rear...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Final assembly...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Howd-Ya-Like-to assemble 3,000 brass cabooses...
Twin Ports Rail History:
My desktop in 1987...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Eliminating waste in the design phase...
Twin Ports Rail History:
Little tigers...
Twin Ports Rail History:
The cotton candy man...
Twin Ports Rail History:
It ain't the age, it's the attitude...