astro/nature guy: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher and Eastern Wood Pewee
astro/nature guy: Swainson's Thrush
astro/nature guy: Red-tailed Hawk
astro/nature guy: Ovenbird
astro/nature guy: Magnolia Warbler
astro/nature guy: Magnolia Warbler
astro/nature guy: Cedar Waxwing
astro/nature guy: Black-throated Green Warbler
astro/nature guy: Black-throated Green Warbler
astro/nature guy: Black and Yellow Garden Spider
astro/nature guy: Black and Yellow Garden Spider
astro/nature guy: Bay-breasted Warbler
astro/nature guy: Barn Spider
astro/nature guy: American Redstart and Bay-breasted Warbler
astro/nature guy: American Redstart