astro/nature guy:
Yellow Warbler
astro/nature guy:
Yellow Warbler
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Yellow-rumped Warblers
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White-crowned Sparrow
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Swainson's Thrush
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Summer Tanager
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Summer Tanager
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Rose-breasted Grosbeak
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Red-bellied Woodpecker
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Philadelphia Vireo
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Palm Warbler
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Indigo Bunting
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Gray-cheeked Thrush
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Least Flycatcher
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Eastern Towhee
astro/nature guy:
Eastern Towhee
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Canada Goose
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Brown Thrasher
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Black-throated Green Warbler
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Blackpoll Warbler
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Black and White Warbler
astro/nature guy:
Black and White Warbler
astro/nature guy:
Bay-breasted Warbler
astro/nature guy:
Bay-breasted Warbler
astro/nature guy:
Baltimore Oriole