jeepgeek: The prize of the game!
jeepgeek: Liberty's choice of weapon for the game!
jeepgeek: Ranger's choice for a weapon
jeepgeek: The game begins with the dropping of the toy!
jeepgeek: Ranger teases liberty to play...
jeepgeek: When Liberty wont "bite" on the tease, Ranger ups the taunting!
jeepgeek: The game is on! - she took the bait
jeepgeek: Liberty scores the first point with a great backsided grab!
jeepgeek: Ranger quickly recovers and takes Liberty for a drag around the room - Tie Game!
jeepgeek: The concentration is increasing as we begin Round 2!
jeepgeek: Round 2 to Ranger for wrestling it away - score is Ranger 2 Liberty 1
jeepgeek: Liberty attempts the sneak attack from below - a favorite move of hers
jeepgeek: Ranger quickly recovers from the manuever and Liberty is forced to recoup and try again!
jeepgeek: Quickly it is 3 to 1 in Ranger's favor as he keeps the Toy in play
jeepgeek: Ranger attempts the complicated "insult taunt" by climbing over Liberty and flaunting the Toy!
jeepgeek: Liberty - tired of playing fair - goes for the Mike Tyson move and succesfully takes the Toy out of play - point to Liberty
jeepgeek: Not to be outplayed, Ranger attempts the reverse Mike Tyson, but Liberty counters that with a flying spin to stay out of reach.
jeepgeek: Without warning - Ranger throws Liberty to the ground earning another point for the takedown - 4 to 2 Ranger
jeepgeek: Liberty, thus far unsuccesful in her counter attack, makes sure Ranger will pay for getting to close!
jeepgeek: Liberty continues to fend Ranger off as he attempts to score another point.
jeepgeek: Liberty scores on a difficult manuever the horizontal "kick to the face" Ranger 4 Liberty 3
jeepgeek: Although not the brightest, Ranger can absorb the punishment from Liberty
jeepgeek: Ranger lets Liberty know there will be no more of that Mike Tyson stuff tollerated!
jeepgeek: Liberty pulls the almost unheard of Devil Dog move worth 2 points and pulls in the lead 5 to 4
jeepgeek: After the Devil Dog manuever, Liberty remains in control of the game!
jeepgeek: In vain - Ranger tries to recover, but once on the ground and at Liberty's level, the game is almost a forgone conclusion!
jeepgeek: Liberty just taunts the lesser foe as he tries to box his way out of the pickle he has gotten into!
jeepgeek: It is useless as Liberty keeps her 5 to 4 lead!
jeepgeek: Liberty reminds Ranger what manuever got him here in the first place by using the lesser Demon Dog move to remain dominant...but it is only worth a 1/2 point
jeepgeek: Almost conceeding defeat - Ranger tries one last move to score but alas it is futile!