Ranger quickly recovers from the manuever and Liberty is forced to recoup and try again!
Ranger attempts the complicated "insult taunt" by climbing over Liberty and flaunting the Toy!
Liberty - tired of playing fair - goes for the Mike Tyson move and succesfully takes the Toy out of play - point to Liberty
Not to be outplayed, Ranger attempts the reverse Mike Tyson, but Liberty counters that with a flying spin to stay out of reach.
Without warning - Ranger throws Liberty to the ground earning another point for the takedown - 4 to 2 Ranger
Liberty, thus far unsuccesful in her counter attack, makes sure Ranger will pay for getting to close!
Liberty scores on a difficult manuever the horizontal "kick to the face" Ranger 4 Liberty 3
Liberty pulls the almost unheard of Devil Dog move worth 2 points and pulls in the lead 5 to 4
In vain - Ranger tries to recover, but once on the ground and at Liberty's level, the game is almost a forgone conclusion!
Liberty just taunts the lesser foe as he tries to box his way out of the pickle he has gotten into!
Liberty reminds Ranger what manuever got him here in the first place by using the lesser Demon Dog move to remain dominant...but it is only worth a 1/2 point