jedilost1: upload
jedilost1: image
jedilost1: 2013-11-18 13.12.05-1
jedilost1: image
jedilost1: image
jedilost1: image
jedilost1: image
jedilost1: Two fave DSLR lenses right now
jedilost1: upload
jedilost1: Don't listen to the whole "all other lenses are shit aside from canon/nikon"
jedilost1: Some of my favorite street photography gear (35mm)
jedilost1: My baby Leica M2
jedilost1: upload
jedilost1: upload
jedilost1: upload
jedilost1: upload
jedilost1: #canon #a1 #35mm #photography I use this film Canon more than my DSLR #Canon6D
jedilost1: People sure do love that Bulls balls
jedilost1: That Same Ole Story
jedilost1: Some of my fave digital equipment