jeco: first street sign
jeco: in the corner
jeco: thru the looking glass
jeco: in the light
jeco: livermore movie house
jeco: valley
jeco: 'The' flag pole
jeco: fountain
jeco: in the details
jeco: red ribbon
jeco: red transparency
jeco: santa
jeco: caught in the shadow
jeco: 2118
jeco: cobra
jeco: art stucco
jeco: side by side
jeco: flower pot detail
jeco: bricks
jeco: color me square
jeco: texture and shadows
jeco: treet lighti
jeco: yellow circle
jeco: standing there
jeco: bisected angle
jeco: livermore CALIFORNIA
jeco: ask why
jeco: at the public library
jeco: schenone building
jeco: livermore train and station