jecate: confusion
jecate: choke on truths
jecate: the tree's three
jecate: to the top
jecate: friday night live
jecate: someday...i'll reign supreme
jecate: shape shifter
jecate: nervous
jecate: sunday lounge
jecate: odd bird
jecate: somedays...ok most days
jecate: evade (a parody)
jecate: manifest destiny
jecate: releasing my heart (it's time is over)
jecate: spiderwoman
jecate: how much can one feeling expand?
jecate: to lie with her (how long will i grieve?)
jecate: sculpture
jecate: let us begin, child
jecate: shout out to seattle flickr on my last meetup here
jecate: tree
jecate: b-day party for ohmi
jecate: dream
jecate: ghosts
jecate: storyteller
jecate: quiet