jecaly: first breakfast with cousins
jecaly: casper and horses
jecaly: oona in the greenhouse
jecaly: wisconsin, 2010
jecaly: the milk tank
jecaly: raw milk from the tank
jecaly: casper, tree, tap
jecaly: sarah, skimming boiling sap
jecaly: casper, whittling
jecaly: boiling eggs in sap
jecaly: kitty
jecaly: wisconsin, 2010
jecaly: climbing apparatus
jecaly: clancy, propane, birdhouse
jecaly: a larger operation
jecaly: sap tubes
jecaly: cousins in the car
jecaly: at the delta diner friday fish fry
jecaly: ida, casper, clancy
jecaly: romping cousins
jecaly: country oona
jecaly: wind and sun
jecaly: beauteous ida
jecaly: off to pull taps
jecaly: hazel and the tap bucket
jecaly: listening to the windmill
jecaly: oona's favorite spot
jecaly: making maple ice cream
jecaly: the men go for a walk
jecaly: lake superior