jebatderhaka88: Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay
jebatderhaka88: Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay
jebatderhaka88: A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn
jebatderhaka88: The Durian
jebatderhaka88: The Durian II
jebatderhaka88: I often think that the night is more alive and more richly coloured than the day
jebatderhaka88: As the ocean is never full of water, so is the heart never full of love
jebatderhaka88: The Durian III
jebatderhaka88: The waves of the sea help me get back to me
jebatderhaka88: It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all
jebatderhaka88: Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live
jebatderhaka88: The Durian IV