jeanL140: DSCF7184_stitch-3
jeanL140: 850_3543-2s Jackson's Point harbour
jeanL140: PXL_20220512_164013904.PANO-1
jeanL140: Stoco Lake Tweed PXL_20210805_202528378_stitch (2)
jeanL140: 850_3589_stitch Fourth Chute falls
jeanL140: 850_3544_stitch Fourth Chute falls
jeanL140: DSCF9286_stitch-2 Falls at Charles Sauriol conservation
jeanL140: IMG_20190914_084948_stitch
jeanL140: DSCF7954 pano view of Elora Quarry lake
jeanL140: DSCF7936_stitch pano view of Elora Quarry lake
jeanL140: DSCF6820_stitch1 Scarborough Bluffs Park
jeanL140: DSCF6767_stitch crop Scarborough Bluffs Park
jeanL140: DSCF6639_stitch-s St. Lawrence Hall
jeanL140: DSCF5924_stitch-2-2 Burntcoat Head Park NS
jeanL140: DSCF5924_stitch-2-2 Peggy's Cove NS
jeanL140: DSCF5830_stitch-2-2 Prospect Bay NS
jeanL140: DSCF5374_stitch-2
jeanL140: IMG_20181213_120322_stitch
jeanL140: IMG_20181201_150415_stitch
jeanL140: 00000IMG_00000_BURST20181201142007952_COVER_stitch
jeanL140: DSCF3413_stitch
jeanL140: DSCF3386_stitch
jeanL140: IMG_20181129_122103_stitch