Jeannine and RC: Carved Viking wagon in the Viking Museum.
Jeannine and RC: Viking museum with a Viking boat on display.
Jeannine and RC: The front of the Viking Museum.
Jeannine and RC: The couple who found the Viking sites with the artifacts that are in the Viking Museum.
Jeannine and RC: The new Opera House in Oslo, Norway.
Jeannine and RC: The Kon Tiki Boat built by Thor Heyerdahl which sailed from S. America to the South Seas.
Jeannine and RC: Another view of the Kon Tiki.
Jeannine and RC: Frogner Park
Jeannine and RC: Frogner Park with hundreds of states carved by Gusyav Vigeland
Jeannine and RC: Another Vigeland carving
Jeannine and RC: Another view in Frogner Park.
Jeannine and RC: Gustav Vigeland Carving.
Jeannine and RC: Frogner Park.
Jeannine and RC: DSC_0606
Jeannine and RC: Vogner Park
Jeannine and RC: Gat in Vogner Park
Jeannine and RC: IMG_0513
Jeannine and RC: IMG_0516
Jeannine and RC: IMG_0525
Jeannine and RC: IMG_0530
Jeannine and RC: IMG_0531