Jeannine and RC: Sailing towards Nanortalik, Greenland
Jeannine and RC: DSC_0574_01
Jeannine and RC: The beautiful children who live in the village of Nanortalik, Greenland
Jeannine and RC: A brave Inuit lad diving into the beautiful cold water near the icebergs.
Jeannine and RC: Inuits sharing their native dancers with us.
Jeannine and RC: Nanortalik village scene
Jeannine and RC: Christian Church in the Village of Nanortalik, Greenland
Jeannine and RC: An early Inuit dwelling in Nanortalik
Jeannine and RC: More beautiful children in Nanortalik
Jeannine and RC: An early sealskin Inuit canoe
Jeannine and RC: Another view of the Village
Jeannine and RC: Another view of the Village
Jeannine and RC: RC with some of the villagers
Jeannine and RC: Inuit children out for a walk
Jeannine and RC: Sailing away from Nanortalik, Greenland
Jeannine and RC: Sunset in Nanortalik
Jeannine and RC: Iceberg near Nanortalik, Greenland