Jeannine and RC: Rock of Gibraltar
Jeannine and RC: View from the Rock
Jeannine and RC: The Rock again
Jeannine and RC: RC with an Ape
Jeannine and RC: Apes brought to the rock by the Moors
Jeannine and RC: Apes are wild & are all over the rock
Jeannine and RC: Cable car takes you to top of rock
Jeannine and RC: Road on the Rock
Jeannine and RC: Gibraltar
Jeannine and RC: Gibraltar
Jeannine and RC: Warning about wild Apes
Jeannine and RC: Another warning
Jeannine and RC: Looking up at the Rock
Jeannine and RC: Apes on the Rock
Jeannine and RC: Distant view of Africa from Gibraltar
Jeannine and RC: Fortress wall on Gibraltar
Jeannine and RC: Apes on the Wall
Jeannine and RC: Road on Gibraltar
Jeannine and RC: Another view
Jeannine and RC: Straits of Gibraltar
Jeannine and RC: Entering St Michael's Cave under the Rock
Jeannine and RC: Stalacites & Stalagmites in the Cave
Jeannine and RC: Another Cave view
Jeannine and RC: Cross section of a Stalagmite
Jeannine and RC: Gibraltar Runway
Jeannine and RC: Foreground is Gibraltar/ Spain other side of runway
Jeannine and RC: RC with a big gun from WW11
Jeannine and RC: An Ape looking at the view
Jeannine and RC: Tunnels inside the Rock
Jeannine and RC: Cannon inside Siege Tunnel