jean-marc rosseels: Kawah Ijen
jean-marc rosseels: Rocked on the Road! ;-)
jean-marc rosseels: Blessed by the Morning Sun
jean-marc rosseels: Climbing ....
jean-marc rosseels: Step by Step
jean-marc rosseels: Twice a Day...
jean-marc rosseels: At the Edge
jean-marc rosseels: Slowly Discovering its Impressive Beauty
jean-marc rosseels: Sulfurous Beauty
jean-marc rosseels: The Weight of Life
jean-marc rosseels: The Weight of Life B&W
jean-marc rosseels: Let's go down...
jean-marc rosseels: In the Vapors...
jean-marc rosseels: Ijen Volcano Complex
jean-marc rosseels: On the Path...
jean-marc rosseels: Breathtakingly Deep
jean-marc rosseels: Close to Hell
jean-marc rosseels: Hell's Beauty
jean-marc rosseels: Devil's Cauldron
jean-marc rosseels: And Now Back to the Edge...
jean-marc rosseels: Following the Miners
jean-marc rosseels: Coming Out of Hell
jean-marc rosseels: Like a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes
jean-marc rosseels: Coming out of Hell
jean-marc rosseels: Sulfur Miner
jean-marc rosseels: Young Miner