jeandiva: Brackish. Black Cat Extraordinaire.
jeandiva: Zen Brackish
jeandiva: Pearl... sleeping as hard as she can.
jeandiva: Brackish as a young lad.
jeandiva: Brackish's mom Daisy. She likes to climb ladders.
jeandiva: Brackish filed
jeandiva: Badass
jeandiva: The old man, Byron. Age 18
jeandiva: Ariel, aged 18
jeandiva: Pearl observes
jeandiva: Xmas at the winery
jeandiva: Pearl
jeandiva: lioness
jeandiva: Brackish finds the NY Times relaxing.
jeandiva: Sharing the toy.
jeandiva: Charlie
jeandiva: Charlie
jeandiva: The girls.
jeandiva: Charlie
jeandiva: Man in a cat suit.
jeandiva: Brackish
jeandiva: Brackish and family
jeandiva: Brackish, my little fuzzy super model.
jeandiva: Patches having a snooze.
jeandiva: Patches by the front door.
jeandiva: Thomas & I when I was a child...
jeandiva: Rebecca Turner cat painted by Stephanie Blaylock.
jeandiva: Pearl 2001- 2013
jeandiva: Ruby. A new addition to our family.