jeanxtof: Grande Arche de la Défense
jeanxtof: The Pitch
jeanxtof: Patrick Chanezon
jeanxtof: Nicolas Guillaume
jeanxtof: View from Arche de la Defense roof
jeanxtof: Semantic view
jeanxtof: My eePC
jeanxtof: Attendees @OpenCampParis1
jeanxtof: Olivier Seres
jeanxtof: The pre-grid
jeanxtof: Internet governance session
jeanxtof: The Grid
jeanxtof: Philippe Nieuwbourg
jeanxtof: Geeks !
jeanxtof: Romain Pechard
jeanxtof: Philippe Jeudy
jeanxtof: OpenSocial session
jeanxtof: Christophe Ducamp
jeanxtof: Jean-Michel Planche
jeanxtof: NeXt messaging session
jeanxtof: My room as a teenager
jeanxtof: Vintage Modem
jeanxtof: OpenCampParis1
jeanxtof: Happy OpenCampers