JeanC38: SWC
JeanC38: brandywine
JeanC38: black krim
JeanC38: My container garden so far
JeanC38: Sweet 100s
JeanC38: Sweet 100 in upside down pot
JeanC38: Containers of tomatoes
JeanC38: My seedlings are coming up
JeanC38: Seedlings
JeanC38: shelf
JeanC38: Bush beans and tomatoes
JeanC38: Greens
JeanC38: Rain barrel
JeanC38: faucet
JeanC38: Next phase, added more compost
JeanC38: Potato bin
JeanC38: Potato bin
JeanC38: Potato bin
JeanC38: Potato bin
JeanC38: Bean plant
JeanC38: Bean plant
JeanC38: My harvest
JeanC38: "Look ma! Potato seeds!!!!" LOL
JeanC38: Cleaned up goodness
JeanC38: Yukon Gold
JeanC38: Red Norland
JeanC38: Time to plant!
JeanC38: ready for planting
JeanC38: All the seeds in their little rows
JeanC38: Spinach seeds in the ground