JeanC38: Attack of the wild snow kitty!!
JeanC38: The Scrapper Doodle
JeanC38: TC & Shadow
JeanC38: Shadow
JeanC38: TC & Shadow
JeanC38: Shadow
JeanC38: Scrapper in the flower garden
JeanC38: Scrapper in the flower garden
JeanC38: Rum Tum on the old wagon
JeanC38: Ms Ella and Rum Tum Tiggle
JeanC38: It's not fair!
JeanC38: too cute
JeanC38: too cute
JeanC38: too cute
JeanC38: Phoebe and the shoe
JeanC38: Nicky napping
JeanC38: Phoebe in the bin
JeanC38: Phoebe in the bin
JeanC38: A totally sweet Rum Tum
JeanC38: Rum Tum snoozing away
JeanC38: Phoebe and the mouse
JeanC38: Phoebe and the mouse
JeanC38: TC aka The Clone aka Tank Cat
JeanC38: Wistful Rum Tum
JeanC38: Box o' Rum Tum
JeanC38: The new kitty
JeanC38: The new kitty