jeanacosta: on ferry from battery park to governor's island
jeanacosta: approaching governor's island via ferry
jeanacosta: abandoned streets on island, really well kept
jeanacosta: statue of liberty from gov island
jeanacosta: dan passing statue of liberty on bike
jeanacosta: me on bicycle
jeanacosta: you can rent these cool 4 wheeler bicycles
jeanacosta: downtown manhattan
jeanacosta: walkways on insides of island
jeanacosta: dan with island art
jeanacosta: they turned a lot of the old homes into art exhibits
jeanacosta: loved these homes
jeanacosta: we packed a picnic
jeanacosta: beautiful homes
jeanacosta: band playing on grounds
jeanacosta: dan with governor's island waterfall
jeanacosta: me with waterfall
jeanacosta: on ferry heading back to manhattan
jeanacosta: walked home via west side highway
jeanacosta: does anyone know what this is? so bad ass. downtown en route uptown via west side highway
jeanacosta: pretty fish pond
jeanacosta: huge gold fish!
jeanacosta: pool tables along hudson?! so crazy.
jeanacosta: sunflowers
jeanacosta: sunflowers
jeanacosta: westside highway park