jeans_Photos: Scaevola canescens
jeans_Photos: White faced fly
jeans_Photos: White face fly
jeans_Photos: Fly on Orange tree leaf
jeans_Photos: What a colour for a hoverfly
jeans_Photos: Fly on Verticordia
jeans_Photos: Cute but maybe not cuddly!
jeans_Photos: Pretty even from this angle!
jeans_Photos: Cute but maybe not cuddly!
jeans_Photos: Blowie
jeans_Photos: These are pretty!!
jeans_Photos: Blue bum
jeans_Photos: Looks like it is after nectar
jeans_Photos: Just had to... :)
jeans_Photos: Spots
jeans_Photos: Blow fly
jeans_Photos: fly green
jeans_Photos: The Dramatic End of a Blowfly
jeans_Photos: Calliphora dubia Blowfly
jeans_Photos: Calliphora dubia Blowfly
jeans_Photos: Blowfly
jeans_Photos: Western Goldenhaired Blowfly
jeans_Photos: Fly interaction
jeans_Photos: Fly interaction
jeans_Photos: Fly interaction
jeans_Photos: Fly interaction
jeans_Photos: Fly interaction
jeans_Photos: Calophoridae on Sandalwood flowers
jeans_Photos: Calophoridae on Sandalwood flowers